Schools – GIFF 2021


GIFF educational program

Each year, the GIFF offers workshops in classrooms and programmatic initiatives in favor of image education or digital creation awareness. The Festival thus proposes to broaden our perspectives thanks to digital technology, while providing adequate tools to exercise a critical and constructive look at the media.

During these last editions, the GIFF school program offered a choice of workshops in class, visits to the Virtual Territories, school screenings, and an introductory workshop on film criticism:

  • Classroom workshops “Mixed realities at the service of creation

Is it possible to reconcile technology and artistic creativity? Can we create poetic works thanks to augmented reality? It is to these questions that the company Adrien M & Claire B wishes to answer. Their cultural mediator, Johanna Guerreiro, went to the classrooms to present immersive works that the students could experiment. The goal was to understand the impact of these new technologies in the current creative processes, but also its role in the social spheres. It was a question of discovering how mixed, virtual and augmented realities are now imposing themselves as a new medium.

  • Visit of the Virtual Territories

New mixed reality technologies are constantly evolving with each edition of the festival. Each year, the GIFF offers students the opportunity to discover completely new virtual reality films or augmented reality installations!

  • Attend a school or public screening of a feature film from the official selection

The GIFF organizes screenings specially reserved for schools.

GIFF 2021



For the 27th edition of the Geneva International Film Festival (GIFF), numerous workshops and various screenings were offered by the Festival’s cultural mediation pole. Among these activities, a film review workshop proposed by the GIFF in collaboration with Le Temps allowed secondary I and II students to learn how to write their own review of La Mif by Frédéric Baillif.


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